Teal Bento Jar – 11 oz

Nutritious, sweet and cool, smoothies are the best! But, getting one from your neighborhood smoothie bar can add up to a lot of money. What to do? Bring one from home of course! With a...
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Nutritious, sweet and cool, smoothies are the best! But, getting one from your neighborhood smoothie bar can add up to a lot of money. What to do? Bring one from home of course! With a wide opening, and a vacuum-sealed insulation, this bento jar is perfect for bringing a smoothie from home, and for saving a few bucks. Winning! And, if you really want to get adventurous - heat some soup in the morning, pack in your bento jar, and enjoy hot at lunchtime, with no reheating. Still winning!

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Teal Bento Jar – 11 oz
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